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Survival Rule of 3

For any survival situations we need to remember and prioritize the Survival Rules of 3:

  • You can survive minutes without breathable air.
  • You can survive hours in a harsh environment (extreme heat or cold).
  • You can survive days without drinkable water.
  • You can survive weeks without food.

Each line assumes that the one(s) before it are met. For example, if you have a large quantity of food and water yet are exposed to the environment, then the harsh conditions rule applies. The rule may be useful in determining the order of priority when in a life-threatening situation, and is a generalization (or rule of thumb) rather than scientifically accurate.

So based on this survival rule the most basic of all needs are those to do with physical survival. This is the need for oxygen, water, food and shelter. If a person cannot satisfy this basic survival need it dominates their interest and concern. A person who is cold, sick or hungry will not be very interested in socializing, learning or working.

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